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Things You Probably Don’t Know About Lightsabers

The lightsaber is an awesome weapon used in science fiction. It is also featured in Star Wars. While the glowing blade can cut through almost anything however, it also makes a great sound when you swing it around. It’s fascinating to learn the history of this incredible feature. It was created either to be used in films or as toys for children who wanted to have loud battles at home with their peers.

There are a myriad of stories regarding the Lightsaber’s history. It’s played a role in many battles and has grown in power over the years, changing from simple to more complex models as technology improved its design. But, certain aspects have never been added to the official canon, despite being described elsewhere, including information on what color each lightsaber is according to the planet or galaxy they came from. The reason for these omissions could be related with fact that Lucasfilm doesn’t want to have anything unbalanced within its universe , however there are many fans who want to know every detail so you’ll just need me to handle the fans who want answers.

They were originally created by The Dark Side

The lightsabers we have come to know as well as love may be precursors to something much more potent Force sabers were invented by “Force Hounds” who were part of an Infinite Empire. These crystals focused on dark energy were used by the Infinite Empire’s people for weapons prior to becoming what we now call “lightsaber” blades.

Many of the dark side were reluctant to admit their connections to the Dark Side. The Force Saber’s strong connection made it even harder for them to be a Force Saber. The user can be transformed into someone who fights for evil should they take possession of any of these weapons.

There are many other than swords.

The traditional lightsaber is an ordinary blade, but it’s able to be customized in numerous ways. One example is called the “lightship”, which makes use of strands in place of a single emitter at each end.

You’ll require an extra battery pack to power the First Lightsabers

The original lightsabers were similar to the ones we’re using in the present. They were equipped with an unreliable battery, which could overheat and create hot wires. This is not a surprise when you consider that the first version of this weapon was invented in the past.

When the Sith developed a powerful power cell, which could be attached to their lightsabers further advance the technology behind lightsabers.

A Lightsaber is able to penetrate almost everything

If it’s about cutting through anything it’s impossible to imagine what the lightsaber won’t be able to do. But like any weapon or tool, it’s possible victims , particularly those who are against the owner of these lightsabers will attempt to do their best to not be cut by this amazing power source .

With a myriad of different materials to pick from The bounty hunters that are experts in Mandalorian iron can utilize any type and shape. Cortosis is an example of a material which can be used to short circuit lightsabers but it’s toxic for humans so they’re refined into armor? Phrik might also be resistant to lightsaber sword blades but does nothing about them.

Lightsabers presented a challenge to amphibious races

There isn’t anything to stop a lightsaber from being destroyed, water is one thing to be careful about. Little rains will not cause harm to the weapon since it could steam and then sizzle in the event that it was exposed to its surface layer for too long, before being immersed in liquid form this time more safely covering all evidence of destruction until the next time.

For more information, click leia lightsaber XRGB


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