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Does Deer Antler Velvet Work?

Imagine returning home to discover that your deer has new antlers. They look soft and furry , much like their names. These “velvet” blades are only found on male deers who are born each year after shedding old ones to shed their first ones in the autumn, so do not be deceived by what you think is an injured animal or baby buck when it hasn’t yet shed its old set of hooves (or tusks). The reason velvet-like scars are there at all goes down not only to the biology of the animal but also to our surroundings; because bucks live by themselves, free by fighting with other males for territorial or matehood rights, which cows and calves. This is what leads us onto.

It’s not because he can’t compete with other bucks that a buck loses its antlers. This happens to allow him to mat with females during deer season. The process usually starts in December or March when they shed their weaponry and start to grow velvet ones. These nutrients supply vital nutrients for the growth of new plants, which is why it takes place faster than there was no treatment.

This document from 2,000 years ago claims that deer antler velvet has medicinal properties. Traditional Chinese medicine is still using it as an significant drug. It is a focus on various diseases and illnesses. Ginseng’s main function in Asian culture is for strength recovery.

High levels of hormone-like substances that are found in the velvet of deer may have anti-inflammatory properties. Recent studies have shown that it also has effects on immune function, blood cholesterol levels and pressure in addition to. Deer anatomy includes some interesting characteristics, including the sharp cartilage plates that run along their forelegs, which are believed to shield them from predators walking through trees and bushes at speed but can be used as evidence by the person who had no problem putting their arm off with one swipe.

The antlers of deer have been shown to ease arthritis. They could also be due to its anti-inflammatory properties. A simple search on the internet for “deer velvet arthritis” will reveal how widely this is used as a treatment , and some supplement companies are trying to make money by advertising their products using false pretenses since they know that their customers are looking for an effective product, however there isn’t any evidence-based reason for why they perform or what actually occurs when taking the supplements.

Antler velvet is a great choice for those who want to enjoy many advantages. It’s simple to see why so many people desire to have an item. Many believe it will boost your mental focus and improve your immune system, others assert that they have experienced an increase in their sexual libido. However, none these claims have been verified scientifically.

Although it could be difficult to find, a few businesses sell velvet deer horns. The hard white chips can be utilized in many ways, including tea leaves and capsules. You can spend your time with these fascinating creatures in various ways. There is much more to be said about this before we get into the details such as where to buy them if they were in the area during lunch.

For more information, click deer antler velvet


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